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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Raclette #1
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
1/2 Wheel real raclette cheese
 Boiled potatoes in their skins
 Gherkins or cornichons; pickled onions and black pepper
die Zubereitung:

I have tried Raclette that my parents brought back from Switzerland. I am still having trouble finding it in Los Angeles-One store (Trader Joe's) says they normally stock it in the fall...

There are Raclette machines sold in Switzerland. One appears to be a stand for the half-wheel of cheese and a heating element to melt it. Another looks like a toaster oven with individual trays to melt slices of cheese with other toppings...

Lacking both devices, I resorted to gently melting slices of the cheese in a non-stick frying pan and pouring the liquid cheese on the peeled, boiled potatoes. This worked fine and tasted great.

taken from "A Taste of Switzerland" by Sue Style

Light a good fire. Buy yourself a half wheel of real Raclette cheese, preferably from the Valais (Gosmer, Bagnes, Orsie`res etc.), between three and five months old. Scrape off the rind, top and bottom, so that the cheese can melt more easily. Prepare boiled potatoes in their skins and have a ready supply of gherkins or cornichons, pickled onions and black pepper. When the fire died to a mass of glowing embers, procure yourself a large flat stone and put it before the fire. Set the half cheese on top, its cut surface exposed to the heat. Nearby have a supply of plates. As the cheese melts, scrape it off on to a plate and serve it at once. Continue this way until everyone is full.


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