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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Coffee chiffon cake
Zutaten für 6 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
2 1/4 Tassecake flour
1 Esslöffelbaking powder
1 Teelöffelsalt
1 Tassesugar granulated
1/2 Tassevegetable oil
egg yolks
3/4 TasseStrong black coffee (at room temperature)
1 Teelöffelvanilla
egg whites
1/4 Teelöffelcream of tartar
1/2 Tassesugar granulated
 Coffee Glaze (follows)
 Coffee Whipped Cream (follows)
 Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and 1 cup sugar. Add oil, egg
 Yolks, coffee, and vanilla. Beat with electric mixer, until smooth, about
die Zubereitung:

30 seconds. Beat egg whites with cream of tartar to soft peaks;gradually add 1/2 cup sugar, beating constantly until mixture holds stiff shiny peaks.

Fold first mixture gently but thoroughly into egg whites. Pour into greased 10 inch tube pan. Bake in 350 F oven for 1 hour or until cake springs back when lightly touched on top. Invert and let cool in pan. When cool, loosen edges and turn out cake. Spread with Coffee Glaze Or split into 3 or 4 layers and fill with Coffee Whipped Cream.

Coffee Glaze 2 cups sifted icing sugar 1 tsp vanilla 1/4 cup strong black coffee (at room temperature)

To icing sugar, add vanilla and enough strong coffee to make a glaze of very thin spreading consitency. Spread over top and sides of cake or spread just over top, letting glaze drizzle down sides.

Coffee Whipped Cream 2 cups whipping cream Beat whipping cream until soft peaks form; beat in icing sugar and coffee liqueur and continue whipping until stiff.

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