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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Henrietta Sklanky's (Obm) Chicken with Poached Oranges and G
Zutaten für 1 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
Fryers; cut up
1 Teelöffelbasilicum dried
1/4 Teelöffelpepper fresh
 Granulated garlic to taste
Sauce #1
1/2 Tassesoy sauce
1/2 Tasseketchup
1/4 Tassehoney
Sauce #2
1/2 Tassewater
1 Tassesugar
Naval orange segments; (up to 5)
 Cornstarch if needed
1 1/2 TasseSeedless grapes
3 EsslöffelZest or slivered orange rind; white membrane removed
die Zubereitung:

Naomi Sanders of St.Louis Recipe from "Bless Us with Tradition"

Place chicken in roasting pan, in a single layer, skin up. Sprinkle chicken pieces, on both sides with basil, garlic and fresh ground pepper. In a bowl, mix soy sauce, ketchup and honey. Baste with sauce #1. Bake at 350 F uncovered, basting frequently for 1 hour or until fork tender. Meanwhile, prepare sauce #2. Bring the water and sugar and orange rind to a boil and simmer until slightly thickened, about 8-10 minutes. If not thick enough add 1 to 2 teaspoons of cornstarch mixed with a small amount of water. Add orange wedges. Simmer 3 more minutes. When chicken is ready, remove from oven. Discard juices and lay chicken in a single layer in clean roasting pan. Pour 1/2 the sauce #2 and orange wedges over the chicken and 3/4 grapes. Repeat with the balance of chicken and sauce#2, orange wedges and grapes. Cover with foil and heat before serving.

P.s. Not all the recipes in this cookbook are this complicated. The result of this recipe is very delicious, but a lot of work.

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