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MealMaster - Ansicht

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Tenderloin Puttanesca
Zutaten für 4 Portionen Menge anpassen
die Zutaten:
2 EsslöffelSun-dried tomato tidbits
1/2 Tassewater boiling
1 3/4 TasseChopped unpeeled tomato
1/3 TasseBurgundy or other dry red wine
1/4 Tassebasil chopped, fresh
1/4 Tasseripe olives chopped
Cloves garlic crushed
Beef tenderloin steaks, (4-ounce)
1 EsslöffelWorcestershire Sauce
1/4 TeelöffelHickory-smoked salt
1/4 Teelöffelpepper
 Vegetable cooking spray
Ripe olives
 Fresh basil sprigs, (optional)
die Zubereitung:

Combine sun-dried tomato and boiling water; let stand 10 minutes. Drain well.

Combine sun-dried tomato, tomato, and next 4 ingredients in a bowl; stir well, and set aside.

Trim fat from steaks.

Brush Worcestershire sauce over steaks, and sprinkle with smoked salt and pepper.

Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; place over medium-high heat until hot. Add steaks, and cook 1 minute on each side or until browned. Reduce heat to medium-low, and cook an additional 4 minutes on each side or until desired degree of doneness.

Place steaks on a serving platter; set aside, and keep warm.

Add tomato mixture to skillet, and cook over medium-high heat 3 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally. Yield: 4 servings (serving size: 3 ounces steak and about 1/3 cup tomato mixture).

Per serving: 686 Calories; 53g Fat (72% calories from fat); 41g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 159mg Cholesterol; 410mg Sodium

was created by "women of the evening." The sauce usually consisted of tomatoes, olives, and garlic and had a heavenly aroma that would entice clients to their doors. To serve, spoon tomato mixture over the steaks, and garnish with olives and basil sprigs, if desired.

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